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torsion strength中文是什么意思

用"torsion strength"造句"torsion strength"怎么读"torsion strength" in a sentence


  • 抗扭强度
  • 扭力强度


  • Then the shear and torsion strength of the beams and the number of stirrups were checked . the program for this system is pragmatic because it includes some cases that are always met in practice
  • By tests of 9 specimens subjected to biaxial eccentric compression , shear and reversed torque , the failure modes and the varying laws of cracking torque , original stiffness , ultimate torsion strength and ductility are discussed , with the change of axial stress level and relative eccentricity . then , the cracking bearing capacity , the ultimate capacity and the deformability of the specimens are obtained
  • Also the failure modes and the cracking torque , original stiffness , ultimate torsion strength and ductility are discussed in this case . the factors affected torsion bearing capacity of high - strength concrete frame column is analyzed too . the seismic performances of normal - strength and high - strength concrete frame column subjected to biaxial eccentric compression , shear and reversed torque are studied
用"torsion strength"造句  


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